Can you do good business when you have a bad relationship?
There is no point taking that phone call and even trying to sort anything out. You may have read a previous blog post of mine titled “Are you doing bad business?“, whic
Twitter – are you covered?
First Facebook now Twitter– cover pages are becoming a significant feature of your social media presence. The recent introduction of these cover images by Twitter are allowin
Taking Sweets from Strangers!
I decided I’d pop out quickly for a coffee and 2 minutes of fresh air so I ran around the corner to O’Connaill’s Coffee and Chocolate Cafe for a breather and a
Ray of Sunshine
Our Dublin troop weren’t available so I found myself and Dee on a Saturday morning at 6 am with the car pointed in the direction of Belfast! Our job was to oversee a clever
Sometimes are you better off not saying the right thing?
At this stage between the initial briefing meeting and the time spent researching and working on the plan we have spent well over a day’s work before we meet with the prospec