21 Questions with…Heather Lordan

Welcome to the twelfth of our Fuzion Friday series, where we put 21 devilishly difficult questions to a team member, giving you an insight that Freud would be proud of.

Next up a fan of tattoos and Will Ferrell…..Heather!

Fuzion Communications Picture: Miki Barlok
  1. Tell us something about you that nobody else in the team might know.

I have four tattoos and am planning loads more!

  1. What film have you watched more than five times?

The Other Guys.

  1. What work are you most proud of in the past year?

Helping with Tour de Munster 2021. It was a hugely successful year for the annual charity cycle and it raised over €522k for the Munster branches of Down syndrome Ireland

  1. Dream job?

Own my own gastropub 

  1. Favourite brand? – Why?

Asos – I could scroll for hours!

  1. Favourite Holiday Destination?

I’m not fussy – once there’s sun and an Irish bar!

  1. Best lesson from your career?

There is literally something new to learn everyday

  1. Eurovision or World Cup?

World Cup

  1. Who is the joker on the team?


  1. Recommend a podcast.

I wouldn’t be a massive podcast listener but if I’m out on a walk I always throw on the two Johnnies for a laugh.

  1. Reality shows – Love or Hate?


  1. Dinner party with 3 people – dead or alive – who do you invite?

Will Ferrell, Paul Rudd and my boyfriend Tomás because I wouldn’t want him to miss out on that!

  1. If you could be anywhere in the world – where would you be & what would you do?

I love Ireland and don’t think I ever want to leave.

  1. Who is your role model?

No real role model but I love listening to positive mindset and manifestation talks.

  1. What was your first job?

Pool attendant in Inchydoney Hotel, Clonakilty.

  1. Death Row meal?

A spicy chicken pasta with garlic bread.

  1. Favourite book?

Feel the fear and do it anyway.

  1. Your a grammar nazi oar not?

I always try and make sure my grammar is right but I wouldn’t be too worried about correcting anyone.

  1. First album you bought or downloaded?

Definitely one of those “Now that’s what I call music” albums.

  1. Work from home – or office?

Home – I couldn’t bare be away from my little shih-tzu. I do love our Fuzion Fridays though, and meeting up with the team.

  1. Most memorable ad slogans – why?

Not a slogan but I remember the day when someone pointed out that the Amazon logo had an arrow from A-Z to represent what they stock, and I was amazed!!

Heather Lordan is Account Executive at Fuzion Communications, full service marketing and PR agency, with offices in Cork and Dublin.

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