welcome to the eleventh of our Fuzion Friday series, where we put 21 devilishly difficult questions to a team member, giving you an insight that Freud would be proud of.
Next up is professional Norrie… Olivia!

- Tell us something about you that nobody else in the team might know.
I actually don’t think there is anything they don’t know – I like to talk 🙂
- What film have you watched more than five times?
Pretty Woman
- What work are you most proud of in the past year?
The TUS event – the team pulled off an amazing event in a short space of time!
- Dream job?
Wine taster in a vineyard in France – like what could be any better?

- Favourite brand? – Why?
Toyota – my first car purchase from my first paycheck from my first full time job!
- Favourite Holiday Destination?
Jamaica – loved it
- Best lesson from your career?
Own up when you make a mistake
- Eurovision or World Cup?
World Cup – 100%
- Who is the joker on the team?
A toss between Ciarán and Dylan – but maybe Dylan as he is a norrie!
- Recommend a podcast.
The 2 Norries

- Reality shows – Love or Hate?
- Dinner party with 3 people – dead or alive – who do you invite?
Roy Keane, My Granda John (RIP) and my Dad – what a conversation that would be!
- If you could be anywhere in the world – where would you be & what would you do?
Somewhere hot and bringing people out on daily boat tours! Stress free!
- Who is your role model?
Love Michelle Obama

- What was your first job?
Aged 12, Cons shop – Gurranabraher
- Death Row meal?
My mums roast chicken and mashed potato
- Favourite book?
Marian Keyes – Rachel’s Holiday (light reading but loved it)
- Your a grammar nazi oar not?
- First album you bought or downloaded?
Bought – Michael Jackson’s Bad, Downloaded – Christina Aguilera’s Stripped.
- Work from home – or office?
Bit of both
- Most memorable ad slogans – why?
“McDonalds – I’m lovin it” – both the slogan and the logo are so well known all around the world.

Olivia Trought is Office Manager at Fuzion Communications, full service marketing and PR agency, with offices in Cork and Dublin.