Cork needs your valuable input!

Cork - Big on Life

It’s important that destinations have a clear brand, which captures the essence of the place and one that is easily understood.

For over a year a team of us have been working diligently doing research, gathering information, conducting interviews, holding workshops, reading reports and executing surveys about the Cork Region.

Taking all of the findings, information and feedback we have carefully constructed a Brand Description, which we are now testing.

As part of this process we need your views on the emerging Cork Region brand and marketing strategy to help drive sustainable economic growth.

We have created a micro site to present this brand description so that we can get feedback from the Cork Region, the rest of Ireland and from around the world.

We want to know if it captures the essence of Cork and if the proposition is compelling and attractive as a tool for economic development.

We ask that you read the Brand Descriptor on the micro site and then take a few minutes to answer 12 questions at the very end of the process.

This should take no more than 15-20 minutes, which we know is a big time commitment but we really do need your valuable feedback so we can progress with this work.

You can access the microsite by clicking here: Cork Region Brand Descriptor

Thank you so much for your input!

Greg Canty 


The draft Cork Region place brand has been developed by a partnership of Cork stakeholders – led by Cork City and County Councils, and also involving Fáilte Ireland, University College Cork, Cork Institute of Technology, Cork Chamber, Cork Airport, Port of Cork and the South West Regional Authority.

The Destination Consulting service of Colliers International in partnership with Fuzion, Location Connections and Placematters is the advisory team.

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