Things you didn’t know about Basia Kozlik!

Surfing in San Diego

In this series of blogs we thought it might be a good idea to let you get to know some of our team a little bit better…already we have told you about Edel Cox and Ali O’Brien and  this time round we have our really talented graphic designer, Basia Kozlik from Poland!

My favourite holiday…

Was my 3-month-long journey around the western part of the United States. My friend and I worked our behinds off doing promotions and catering gigs (some that lasted 24 hours straight!) for months before that, but we managed to save up enough money to not have to work in the States and only worry about enjoying ourselves.

We spent 5 weeks in San Diego surfing, riding low riders along the beach – living like real Californians. After that we travelled to almost all the national parks in California and Nevada, slept in a tent in Yellowstone and woke up to a winter wonderland in the middle of July, made a wrong turn and landed in Aspen, swam in Lake Tahoe, gambled in Vegas…

We saw almost everything there was to see and managed to finish off our holidays with a week in Honolulu and a week in NY on the way back!

Oh, those were the days…

My dream car…

Land Rover DiscoveryI am absolutely in love with Land Rover Defenders! Especially the older ones!

The first car I drove after I got my licence (many moons ago) was my parent’s Discovery. I’ve lived near mountains for most of my life and loved taking the car for a spin off the beaten track, through woods and streams, and up mountain trails. I was even planning to take part in the Camel Trophy Competition (that’s how long ago it was)!

Not all of my excursions ended well, but that’s another story…

The part of my job I love most…

I love the fact that each project we do is a completely new experience. Almost every day and every client brings something new and exciting. I also love the fact that I can physically see and touch the effect of my work.

I am currently working on a very big packaging project that will hit the shelves of most large retailers in Ireland very soon and I’m just giddy with excitement to see the outcome of many months of hard work!

My worst habit… 


My best habit…

I’m a perfectionist and pay huge attention to detail, which in my line of work is a good thing.

My Hobbies… 

I really like to get crafty in my spare time.

RoxetteCrocheting, learning how to knit, embroidery, calligraphy…. I just like trying out new things and then making little presents for my family and friends. I also enjoy foraging for wild food and I love gardening (unfortunately I’m still dreaming about a vegetable patch to call my own here in Ireland).

My first album… 

I can’t really remember but I think it was a double cassette box of Michael Jackson and Roxette (cringe!) My taste in music is much better now!


If you could be invisible for a day what would you do?

I would love to sneak into the studio of Sagmeister & Walsh (one of the most creative and inspiring design agencies in the world) and just see how their regular day of work looks like!

If you were stranded on a desert island what three items would you bring?

A kindle with access to unlimited books, Mojitos & my cats!

Describe yourself in 5 words…

Friendly, shy, hard working, ambitious and smiling

The best advice I was given…

It’s never too late! 


Basia Kozlik - Fuzion Graphic DesignBasia Kozlik is a Graphic Designer with Fuzion

Fuzion offer a full range of Graphic Design services from our Cork and Dublin office in Ireland including Branding, Logo Design, Marketing Materials and design for all digital channels.

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