There’s been so much written about the beautiful years of college.
However, many seem to forget to tell you about the transition from college to work and how it can impact graduates on their mental health.
So, you’re right there in the final semester, you can even see the silver lining but now let me guide you through the turmoil of emotions that are coming your way!
Once you get your final results you will feel like the new Steve Jobs (or Thor), flooded with emotions of achievement and pride. The world is your oyster!
My Advice: Write yourself a note to remind you about this wonderful achievement and how it made you feel (because ……you’re going to need it later!).
Now here are the three main stages that I experienced:
Round 1: Post-Graduation Depression.
It’s been years studying late at night, meeting up with your team for projects, many reports submitted, and so on. And now what?
You might start feeling stagnant, anxious, or even depressed. This is when the grieving process begins, grieving for a period in your life that is gone.
My advice:
Give your brain some time to adjust to the new situation. Accept those feelings and let them go.
Round 2: The Job Hunt & Rejection.
Once the post-graduation depression is over, you might start with the job hunt filled with ambition and passion. Your resume is the hammer to your inner Thor!
But here is when the rejection game happens. You might apply for five jobs a day and get ten rejection emails in exchange (ok, those maths don’t work, but trust me, it will feel like that).
The brain will wander and the negativity will set in and a possible guilt trip will start. Am I not good enough? Why didn’t I go to the career services in my college? And so on.
My Advice:
Don’t take the rejection personally. Take a day or two when it gets too much to reconsider your approach and adjust.
Also here is the moment to read the note you left for yourself when you finished your degree, and remind your inner Thor that you’re the God of Thunder, the All-Father and King of Asgard, and Son of Odin (well maybe not that, but you can try with the God/dess of TikTok, The All-Father/Mother of Buddy (your dog), king/queen of your cul-de-sac and son/daughter of Finbarr & Mary!
Round 3: New Job & The Imposter Syndrome.
Eventually, you get a job, and just when you think the whirlwind of emotions is all gone, here is when the final round kicks in.
Do you feel like you don’t know what you are doing? Do you feel like everyone else is smarter than you?
Don’t worry, it happens that often this “feeling” or condition even has a name, ‘the Imposter Syndrome’. It is based on an internal belief that you are not as good as others perceive you to be.
My Advice:
Avoid comparing yourself to others and be brave enough to question your own thoughts. Most likely they are not real, but just that little voice in your head.
Now, and after all this experience I am proud to say that I got the job that I wanted.
Just one week in Fuzion Communications and I already realised the great value the company places on being brave and ambitious. Which it is exactly what my inner Thor taught me during my journey.
#WinHappy as we say in Fuzion!
Patricia Perera is a very bright, insightful and intelligent person who has just joined the Fuzion Communications team and begins her career, starting as a Communications intern with a fantastic future ahead!
Note from editor:
Thank you Patricia for reminding us what it is like for anyone at the beginning of their career, trying to get a start in a fog of disappointments.