21 Questions with… Suzanne Meade

Welcome to the third of our Fuzion Friday series, where we put 21 devilishly difficult questions to a team member, giving you an insight that Freud would be proud of.

Next up is the shark-diving, chocolate lover, Suzanne!

Fuzion Communications Picture: Miki Barlok

  1. Tell us something about you that nobody else in the team might know.

A few years ago I dived with sharks in South Africa – it was one of the best experiences ever!

  1. What film have you watched more than five times?

 I’ve definitely watched ‘The Holiday’ way more times than I’d like to admit

  1. What work are you most proud of in the past year?

I am very proud of my work with the Local Enterprise Offices – particularly the Look for Local campaign during the pandemic which encouraged the public to support local businesses. 

  1. Dream job?

I’d like to run my own business someday…

  1. Favourite brand? – Why?

I’m a bit of a Zara addict….from their clothes to homeware, it’s probably the brand I shop the most.

  1. Favourite Holiday Destination?

Nice, in the South of France. Just stunning!

  1. Best lesson from your career?

Sometimes it’s the little things that make a big impact. We are all human at the end of the day so kind words or a simple thank you email can go a long way…

  1. Eurovision or World Cup?

World Cup

  1. Who is the joker on the team?

Ciarán ‘the comedian’ Ó Raghallaigh….although I’m sure he put this question in himself just for the ego boost lol!

  1. Recommend a podcast.

I love Joanne and Vogue’s ‘My Therapist Ghosted Me”

  1. Reality shows – Love or Hate?

Love <3

  1. Dinner party with 3 people – dead or alive – who do you invite?

Princess Diana, David Attenborough and Jennifer Lopez.

Di-nner Party
  1. If you could be anywhere in the world – where would you be & what would you do?

The Seychelles, swinging on a hammock on the beach, drinking a Pina Colada. 

  1. Who is your role model?

Michelle Obama – she has such a powerful voice and uses it to great effect to help great causes around the world.

  1. What was your first job?

Waitressing in the cafe of Kilkenny Design Centre in Shanagarry, Cork.

  1. Death Row meal?

I’ll have a chateaubriand with all the trimmings please…

  1. Favourite book?

Is it socially acceptable to admit the Harry Potter series?

  1. Your a grammar nazi oar not?

I guess….it’s part of the day job!

  1. First album you bought or downloaded?

More than likely Boyzone!

  1. Work from home – or office?

From home, for sure 🙂

  1. Most memorable ad slogans – why?

The  ‘Should have gone to Specsavers’ ads spring to mind….always clever and executed really well.

Suzanne Meade is a Senior Account Manager at Fuzion Communications, full service marketing and PR agency, with offices in Cork and Dublin.

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