Beating the January Work Blues

January work blues

How happy are you?!

So it is official ..the festive party is over and we are back to the daily grind and the back to work blues have set in.

The January Blues is unfortunately something that we all suffer and it doesn’t necessarily suggest that you have lost enthusiasm for your job/work colleagues/life in general – it is just that we are having a come down from our festive celebrations and lack of work commitments.

The good news is you are not alone and you can beat it!

Try these tips to help cure your blues:

  • Point out the positive– Think about what you have and not what you don’t have! Instead of heading back to work dreading it, remember that you are lucky to be in employment in the current economic climate and walk in with a positive attitude ready to get stuck in. Also you can have a catch up your work colleagues and find out about everyone’s Christmas activities.
  • De clutter and get organised– It is very likely that you are returning to a full inbox and disorganised desk, but instead of diving straight into work, take some time to de clutter and organise your work space. I see this as creating a clean space for the New Year and avoiding the “where is that folder?” freak out. Now this may not necessarily increase productivity, but it will make your working day far more organised and less stressful. “Tidy desk, tidy mind
  • Plan something to look forward to– whether it be a holiday, coffee with friends, day at a spa- whatever takes your fancy it is important to have things to look forward to that will motivate you. It will make you think more positively and give you something to work towards.
  • Exercise- if like me you spent endless hours watching old Christmas movies there is a fair chance that your activity level was little to none over the Festive Season. So a great way to get back into work mode is to clear your head with a brisk walk to work or during your lunch break – this does not need to be a power walk – just a pleasant stroll to get some fresh air will work wonders.
  • Try getting an early night– we are used to the late nights and lie-ins of the festive season, which make it hard to get back into a routine as your body clock is out of sync. This can make you feel sluggish at work, fatigued, with poor concentration and can cause you stress. I find it best starting to go to bed just a half an hour earlier to begin with, then an hour and before you know it you’re back into your normal routine.

All these little changes should help banish those January Blues and have you in gear for another successful year!

I’ll talk about handling February next month!!

Jean Martin is a PR Executive with Fuzion

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