My sister and her special brand
I was chatting to a friend of mine recently and mentioned that my sister, whom she’d never met, was home to visit. Instinctively, I felt the noun ‘sister’ didn’t do her jus
Dunnes Stores – Building your Reputation
It was a strange thing – I heard news of the Dunnes Stores strike first thing this morning on Newstalk and immediately without hearing any of the detail I was on the side of
Praying Media Mantis
I was trying to figure out what a visitor from Mars would make of the situation. A long moving tube squashed with human beings, all of whom were striking the same pose, the only
Personal Branding and your Modern Coat of Arms
There is a lot of talk these days about the importance of your ‘personal brand‘; how you always need to be aware of it, how you should project it and how you should pro
The Pencil is mightier than the Sword: Je Suis Charlie
The New Year has started with a strange turn of events, where moral and pseudo-religious outrage has turned into a horrific and tragic attack on not only the press, but free thinki
Cork – Let’s Shake it up!
2014 was a good year. There were definite signs of recovery, which our own business could see first-hand through our offices in Cork and in Dublin. We were finding that
Marketing or Great Storytelling?
Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon perfectly summarised branding when he declared “your brand is what people say about you when you leave the room” So..branding isn’t abou
The Power of Compliments
I was checking my emails just now and I came across a fantastic message from a contact I have on LinkedIn, which cheered me up no end. The very lovely and very generous Valerie (Ry
Social Media – Fear of the unknown
When we first meet with a new client one of the reviews we always do is a social media review. Clients who have embraced social media are reaping the benefits and have very little
The Value of a Well Designed Website
We’ve all experienced it at one point or another: you go to a website and find it lets down the organisation – dated design, chaotic structure and last updated over 5 years ago