Facebook Business Page Changes – March 2012
We thought we should put out a blog post dedicated to Facebook seeing as it has been going through a few major changes that will affect everyone that has a Facebook business page
I had a Great 2012 because ..
Well – how did you do? Did you achieve what you set out to achieve in 2011? Did you make ambitious plans and fall short of them or did you make any plans at all? – If yo
Google Adwords and when you should try other forms of “Sniper” Advertising
I am a big fan of Google Advertising used as part of marketing campaigns for our clients fishing for new customers – the Google Adwords platform is really valuable and I of
The Fuzion Women and The Royal Wedding!
Now before I go any further let me stress that at Fuzion we have a team of intelligent, diligent and very hard working women .. “Oh my God” this is going to be the best
Are you spending enough on Positive Costs?
Positive costs are absolutely essential for generating business for any company - cutting these out may be viewed as a necessary step but it will eventually choke the oxygen of the
Have a Postitvely Fabulous Easter!
Sales - Increase your sales targets. We all know it’s not easy but tell the team you are budgeting for an increase (let everyone else do the opposite, prepare for the negative it
Perfecting imperfection ..
Maybe, just maybe the manual needs to be loosened a little so that the local manager can be encouraged to do something authentic and get closer to being perfectly imperfect?
Motivating the boss!
Here goes with the missing clause - In the course of your duties you must motivate the boss!
Wow, what a Year!
On that note the Fuzion team would like to sincerely wish our clients both past and present and all of those partners and friends who have shared our 10 Year Fuzion Journey, the mo
Pics from our 10’th Birthday Party!
Pics from our fabulous 10the Birthday Party at our new Offices