Podcast Production_

Podcasts can be a very powerful way for you to reach and connect with your audience, allowing them to experience and hear from your team, listen to the important issues and learn how you are unique, and all in your own authentic voice.

Fuzion offer a full suite of podcast production services including setup, branding, planning, recording, hosting, production and marketing.

When it comes to your Digital Marketing, a very clever way of making your organisation or brand stand out could be to start your own Podcast series. Podcasts can be a very powerful addition to your digital assets, whereby your audience get to hear from your team, hear about the important issues and how you are unique, and all in your own voice. The people that subscribe and listen to podcasts tend to be extremely loyal to them and follow a listening routine.


As usual, we jumped in early in 2018 (the only agency to do so!) and created our own show with a unique episode each week, featuring interesting chats with interesting people about interesting things around a theme of ‘Winning Happy’, which is one of our core values – our Greg Canty curates, hosts and produces the show.

This has been really successful for us as well as great fun, as we have met and really got to know some very special people.

The podcast can be found on all the podcast Apps and on Spotify.

It can also be listened to directly on the web by clicking here.

A Podcast for Your Organisation

If you are interested in creating a podcast for your organisation come and talk to us and we can get you up and running by devising a theme that works, creating unique branding, setting you up on all of the podcast Apps and assisting in delivering shows that are perfect for connecting with your target audience in a very special way.

We have done this successfully for a wide range of clients including The Heritage Council, Innovate Communities, IACP, Springboard+, Social Entrepreneurs Ireland, HR for Better Workplaces, Nano Nagle Place and Multiple Myeloma Ireland.

Examples Of Podcast Production



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