‘Climb to Remember’ – remember loved ones and support The Mercy Hospital Foundation

The annual charity ‘Climb to Remember’ takes place on Sunday, June 10th and will see people from all over Munster rise to the challenge of climbing The Galtee Mountains, in memory of a loved one, with funds raised going towards The Mercy Hospital Foundation’s various appeals.


Helping to launch this year’s Galtees ‘Climb to Remember’ were Niamh and Orla Walsh from Kildorrery, who will join the climb on June 10th in memory of their father Garry Walsh, who sadly passed away in March 2017. Garry received the diagnosis in November 2015 that he had oesophageal cancer. Upon receiving treatment at The Mercy, Garry made the decision to organise a fundraising event; and so in September 2016, he organised a 5 mile Family Fun Run/ Walk, followed by a social evening in Kildorrery Creamery, which raised a staggering €32,556 which . Thanks to the tremendous success of the fundraisers, the Mercy Hospital Foundation was able to purchase six electric profiling beds for cancer patients in St. Therese’s Ward, as well as extra equipment including eight high backed patient chairs, 12 hot blankets, a triple pump, syringe driver and two monitors with thermometers.


Speaking about their reason for joining ‘Climb to Remember’ Niamh Walsh said “We would like to thank the Mercy Hospital Foundation for the opportunity to remember our father in this way; as I’m sure it will give us and our fellow hikers on June 10th precious time to reflect on and remember loved ones who have passed on. The care our dad received under Professor Seamus O’Reilly and his team at The Mercy was second to none and we’re grateful for everything the team there did to help him and our family, and we’re happy that this event gives us the opportunity to give something back.”


Pre-event registration is recommended, and participants can sign up at www.mercyfundraising.ie. The registration fee for the Galtees climb on June 10th is €25. Registration on the day is possible, but only for those who arrive at Kings Yard at 9am.  A second ‘Climb to Remember’ takes place on Saturday, June 24th up Carrauntoohil, and for anyone interested in doing both, the registration fee is €45.


Sign-in for the walk will take place at Kings Yard from 9am til 9.45am on June 10th. And at 10am sharp participants will begin their climb from Kings Yard to the summit of the Galtee Mountains. The climb will take around 3 – 5 hours including a break. 


Starting at the car park, participants will follow a good, unsurfaced road passing several deserted homesteads. To the east, the two peaks of Seefin will be visible, with Knockeenatoung rising behind to the northeast. Hikers will head onto the open mountain to the plateau which is Knocknagalty, and rising majestically ahead is Galtymore, Ireland’s highest inland peak at 919m. From the wall end, hikers will head in an easterly direction to the top of Galtymore, where they will be treated to spectacular views of the Galtees Range, the Knockmealdowns, Comeragh Mountain Ranges, and the surrounding valleys.


Proceeds raised at this year’s ‘Climb to Remember’ will benefit a number of appeals being run by the Mercy Hospital Foundation – the Mercy Heart + Stroke Appeal, the Mercy Cancer Appeal, the Mercy ICU Appeal, and the Mercy Kids + Teens Appeal, enhancing services in each of these areas at The Mercy University Hospital, which serves patients from all over Munster.


Deirdre Finn, Community & Events Fundraiser at the Mercy Hospital Foundation said “Our mission is to inspire people to support advancements in research, diagnosis, treatments and care of patients at The Mercy University Hospital, the People’s Hospital, and this is only possible through the help of our supporters and donors like those who step up to the mark, and ‘Climb to Remember’ year after year. Climb to Remember is a wonderful way to reflect on, and remember a loved one who has passed away. The unexpected friendships, the stunning sights, the little struggles and the huge sense of achievement on the day is all so inspirational.”


‘Climb to Remember’ is open to anyone over 16 years of age and those interested can pre-register by logging onto www.mercyfundraising.ie or calling (021) 4274076.

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