Can great customer service be up to the customer?
“Table of Death” was the expression he used .. I had the most interesting conversation with an experienced restaurateur yesterday – our conversations are refreshi
Don’t turn off the music!
In our businesses we put so much time and effort getting customers in the door that sometimes we forget that the same effort must be put into minding that customer once they are th
Twitter and the New Car!
At least this guy was making an effort! My meeting had gone well, I was in a really positive frame of mind so I decided I would take the first step towards possibly ordering a new
Be nice to the Elderly woman!
This week I heard a really simple story by a guy who was participating in one of our training courses. He supplied corporate and domestic cleaning services and at the early stages
Is it all about price?
I remember when I started my first accountancy industry job in Deasy & Co. one of the early tasks I had was the job of selecting a supplier for all of our stationery requiremen
Knowing you are the best and saying it
I was at a recent Chamber event in Cork and they had their usual “soap box” slot whereby a few members are given the opportunity to speak in front of the attendees and
Bad Haircut ..
For years and years I went to the same hairdresser to get my curly mop chopped. For anyone that has witnessed my curls they will know that it is not a regular head of hair –
Are you Making a Sale or Changing a Customers Routine?
I admit it … I’m boring! Every Sunday morning myself and Dee go for a walk with our four legged creature, Bing to the local park with our good friends Tommy and Joan an
Are you doing “Bad Business”?
I sat in the corridors of the Cork District Court for about 6 hours last week waiting for a really stupid case to be heard between us and our previous landlord. Apparently Monday i
The Glamourous Toll Booth Woman!
Pulling into the Portlaoise toll booth and I know I am making good time for the meeting in the centre of Dublin, as long as traffic into the city is OK. That can be a lottery at ti