Another Crazy Christmas! – Some Tips for Retailers
In a way it’s not at all surprising seeing as the Christmas period accounts for a huge % of peoples revenue as well as a huge % of footfall. Even more important the festive perio
A 30% of profits penalty to be introduced?
A new 30% of profits penalty being introduced would stop me in my tracks and whatever had to be done to avoid it would happen.
Training that is bad for your business?
The first lesson I learned about PR was “People do business with people first and with businesses second”.
Summer of Fun!
Growing up in London I used to wonder why my parents left the beautiful Island of Ireland and moved to London.
The Secret of My Success
One of the guys my partner Greg and I really admire in business is Louis Copeland. He is a very practical guy, full of positivity and like a breath of fresh air every time we mee
What Wagner and X-Factor can teach us about Marketing!
I keep banging on to the crew in Fuzion that no matter how bad he is he will still not get voted out, at least not for a while yet. I threatened to write a blog about it, before he
Anyone can be angry!
Angry with the Government? What are you going to do about it? Anyone can become angry, that is easy, But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at th
The Single BIGGEST PR Tip of all
From all of our work with clients and our collective experience and expertise I can offer you one simple piece of advice about Public Relations, one Golden Nugget that you need nev
What do you think of me?
“What do you think of me?” is a strange question to ask anyone but every day we are putting ourselves out there in the firing line and whether you like it or not, people will j
Small Gestures that make a HUGE Difference
The power of simple gestures .. A really simple gesture at a time when we just don’t tend to get around to doing things like that anymore.