The Irish Bank Robber and Facebook
When the renowned Irish American bank robber, Willie Sutton was arrested having been caught after one of his many bank heists he famously gave the following response to journalist
Bill Gates and his last dollar
What did Bill Gates really mean when he said "If I was down to my last dollar I would spend it on PR?"
Social Media – who’s using what?
As part of the PR course we are running on behalf of the South Cork Enterprise Board we run a session on the use of Social Media for PR purposes.
Happy Customers – the best PR!
Happy customers generate the best of PR - some examples of excellent customer service (mainly) in Cork
The New PR Gurus
The New PR Guru's are put through their paces by Fuzion on the PR course run for the South Cork Enterprise Board
Get it Off Your Chest Online!
Getting a issue off your chest can relieve some frustration but it can also achieve results!
High Five When You See a ’10!
High Five when you see a '10 is all about celebrating the positive signs of recovery in our economy with people spending money again.
New Businesses Opening despite the odds..
New business we salute you!
Have we run out of things to say to our Customers?
Have we run out of things to say to our customers?
What would Darwin think of Nama?
Charles Darwin the English scientist who passed away in 1882 had a very famous quote “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives