Getting your business found with Google Adwords
I heard a really funny story from a client of ours who was dealing with an elderly couple. The gentleman asked one of his salesman a question about one of their products. His wife
Google Adwords and when you should try other forms of “Sniper” Advertising
I am a big fan of Google Advertising used as part of marketing campaigns for our clients fishing for new customers – the Google Adwords platform is really valuable and I of
Sniper Marketing
If you throw enough mud at a wall then eventually some will stick! - you have often heard that expression and when it comes to advertising and in particular at a time when most peo
What do you think of me?
“What do you think of me?” is a strange question to ask anyone but every day we are putting ourselves out there in the firing line and whether you like it or not, people will j
Click Your Way to Success
Do terms such as Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Web Marketing make your eyes gloss over and bring on a wave of sudden tiredness?I totally understand how you feel but I can pr