A picture paints 1,000 words ..
How many times have we used the expression that “a picture paints a 1,000 words?” Arthur Brisbane a high profile journalist and editor in New York is first credited wit
Five things my mum taught me about business and life!
I was feeling a little lonely last week as it was the 5th anniversary of my mum passing. My mum, Joan Waldron was the first female entrepreneur I came in contact with and the old
10 Factors to consider when choosing a PR company
So you’ve recognised the value of PR and have made the decision to engage with a PR company so that you can take your business to a new level of success – with many PR
Can you have Profit without the Passion?
These two guys came into us, full of confidence about their new project. They were introducing a new range of ready made meals to the Irish market, which they reckoned were going t
Dunnes Stores – Building your Reputation
It was a strange thing – I heard news of the Dunnes Stores strike first thing this morning on Newstalk and immediately without hearing any of the detail I was on the side of
Mr Motivator
“There is just one Greg Canty and he is special and don’t you forget about it” he said “Just keep being the best ‘you’ that you can be” ..
Tips on how to secure your first PR job
Anyone working in PR has been there… that place you find yourself when trying to secure your first job in PR. Having been with Fuzion since 2007, I have been involved with the h
Praying Media Mantis
I was trying to figure out what a visitor from Mars would make of the situation. A long moving tube squashed with human beings, all of whom were striking the same pose, the only
Valentines Day and meeting expectations!
As she stepped out of the car she left me with the little bombshell “I hope you have something special organised for Valentine’s Day” ..Dee was half joking of cou
Personal Branding and your Modern Coat of Arms
There is a lot of talk these days about the importance of your ‘personal brand‘; how you always need to be aware of it, how you should project it and how you should pro