High Five When You See a ’10!
High Five when you see a '10 is all about celebrating the positive signs of recovery in our economy with people spending money again.
New Businesses Opening despite the odds..
New business we salute you!
Have we run out of things to say to our Customers?
Have we run out of things to say to our customers?
2009 – The Ultimate Business Boot Camp?
Has 2009 been the ultimate Business Boot Camp?
A Merry Irish Christmas and a Happy New Year?
Bah humbug – we have just seen the NAMA legislation passed by the Dail and we are about to face a round of public sector one day strikes with the government and the unions
Sticky Solutions
..So, we need ‘Sticky Solutions’ to our very exceptional problems. We are in this together and we will have to throw out our rule books and our fixed procedures and put positiv
Dare to be Different
Dare to Be Different? I picked up on an expression lately that I found was really interesting: “Sheepwalking”, referring basically to our general tendency to follow the norm,