Summer of Fun!
Growing up in London I used to wonder why my parents left the beautiful Island of Ireland and moved to London.
The Secret of My Success
One of the guys my partner Greg and I really admire in business is Louis Copeland. He is a very practical guy, full of positivity and like a breath of fresh air every time we mee
The Single BIGGEST PR Tip of all
From all of our work with clients and our collective experience and expertise I can offer you one simple piece of advice about Public Relations, one Golden Nugget that you need nev
Small Gestures that make a HUGE Difference
The power of simple gestures .. A really simple gesture at a time when we just don’t tend to get around to doing things like that anymore.
The Shoe Polishing Awards!
The whole idea of industry awards is really quite interesting and something that can often make you wonder when you see pictures in the newspapers or trade magazines of people hold
Bill Gates and his last dollar
What did Bill Gates really mean when he said "If I was down to my last dollar I would spend it on PR?"
Climbing the stairs of PR, one step at a time- literally
Would you spend your holidays doing work experience in an industry you were interested in working in?
The New PR Gurus
The New PR Guru's are put through their paces by Fuzion on the PR course run for the South Cork Enterprise Board
The SuperValu Girl!
A simple story about excellent customer service playing its part in the whole Marketing Mix - The Supervalu Girl!
A Merry Irish Christmas and a Happy New Year?
Bah humbug – we have just seen the NAMA legislation passed by the Dail and we are about to face a round of public sector one day strikes with the government and the unions