Winning is all about Mindset

Change Your Mindset Concept

Not only am I part of the Fuzion team I am also a self confessed GAA obsessed Kerryman who has been exiled in Cork since 2008!

My background prior to joining Fuzion was in the Fitness and Leisure industry. Though my career pathway has changed radically I still maintain a deep rooted interest in the area of Strength and Conditioning and helping athletes realise their potential.

Having played both hurling and football I was always conscious of the ways and methods of the numerous coaches and trainers I encountered along the way.  I always wondered why we trained the way we did and what was the reasoning behind the often wild and wacky routines that were endured rather than enjoyed.

Ultimately success bypassed teams I played with more often than not though.

And so 2015 began with my first opportunity to train an adult team and mould and lead a group of players to their perceived promised land. My approach was very much along the lines of how business leaders take a concept, develop it, lead a team of people each with the common aim of achieving success and growth.

Dungourney GAA County Final winners

In leading a team to win a county title for the first time in 106 long years I followed these guiding principles to create the platform for our success.

  1. Dare to believe and you will achieve

“The person who gets the farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare. The ‘sure-thing’ boat never gets far from shore.”
Dale Carnegie

There should never be a time in your life when you’re not attempting something impossible. It is the impossible dream that stretches your imagination and shows you what you can become.

Get out of your comfort zone and stretch yourself.  Stretch the amount of work you do, stretch your expectations, and stretch your imagination no matter how outlandish your thoughts may seem.

  1. Embrace past failures

If you want to succeed, you need to fail.  No one succeeds with just a handful of failures. You need to fail, and fail, and fail again.  Failure is the path to success and it is through failure that the pathway to success becomes clear and you learn how to succeed.

  1. Use Your Will

“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will.”

–Vincent T. Lombardi

Another word for “will” is “desire.”  To succeed you must desire to succeed more than you desire anything else.  Successful people aren’t stronger than others, and they aren’t necessarily anymore intelligent than others, but they have a burning desire to see their goal realised.  Motivation will only come from desire. Don’t try to motivate yourself if the desire is missing!

  1. You need Determination and Commitment

Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s the determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal – a commitment to excellence – that will enable you to attain the success you seek.”

–Mario Andretti

You must have the determination and commitment to latch on to your goal and refuse to let go.  Desire, determination and commitment will put you in the position to achieve your goal.

  1. Excellence is Required

“No one ever attains very eminent success by simply doing what is required of him; it is the amount and excellence of what is over and above the required that determines the greatness of ultimate distinction.”

–Charles Kendall Adams

Are you striving for excellence in everything you do? Your preparation, your work, your lifestyle, your training and learning, and your relationships all demand excellence.

With every action you undertake ask yourself the question ‘Is it excellent’? To be the best you must be the best that you can be and be ‘excellent’. In addition perfect practice makes practice perfect in your quest for excellence.

  1. Vision is Necessary

To succeed, you must immerse yourself in being successful. Visualise winning at every given opportunity. Only through clear visualisation will you create the desire and belief to make success a reality.

  1. Go To Success

“Success doesn’t come to you, you go to it.”

–Marva Collins

Success won’t fall out of the sky and land at your feet; you have to go after it.  You have to hunt it down. You have to want it more than anything else and you have to work, work and work some more.  Go towards your goal and leave no stone unturned on your journey to success. Believe that you will win and that winning breeds success.

As the year 2015 comes to an end the journey that commenced last November has one final stop in this magical year.

We have achieved our goal of winning a county title but next Sunday sees a group of very special players vie for a Munster Junior A Hurling Championship. They dared to believe and displayed a will to go towards their goal and are now on the cusp achieving a success that didn’t seem possible just twelve months ago.

Dare to believe and you just might end up winning a most unexpected prize!

Dave FitzmauriceDave Fitzmaurice

Dave Fitzmaurice is a social media consultant with Fuzion – Social Media Consultancy and the proud coach of Dungourney GAA Junior Hurling team

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